In Defense of Science…В защиту науки
Apologies to my English-only readership. This post is in Russian and represents my responses to an ongoing web war between academic and entrepreneurial scientists in Russia. A large, multidisciplinary group of prominent Russian academics headed by geneticist Elena Balanovsky published a…
On Sciences and Humanities: Reflections on Coyne and Konnikova
This post is seemingly off-topic on this blog. In reality, it goes to the core of the problems I’m trying to address. It just takes a philosophical and methodological road to get there. On Scientific American’s Literally Psyched blog, Maria…
Identity Politics in the Name of Science: The Battle over American Indian Blood and Bones Continues
As we learned in my previous post, Reich et al. (2012, 4) claim to have conducted the “most comprehensive survey of genetic diversity in Native Americans so far.” I noticed that their study admitted a few ironies and misapprehensions, but…
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